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Black conservatives make me shake my head

When I read about black Wall Street journalist Jason Riley and his speech Monday at Holy Cross College all I could do was smh. The Urban Dictionary defines smh as “an acronym for ‘shake my head’ or ‘shaking my head.’ Usually used when someone finds something so stupid, no words can do it justice.”
For anyone who tries to identify as Black but also identifies as conservative, IMHO (in my humble opinion)he deserves to be described as black with a small “b.”

The first thing that came to my mind was this quote by Tanya Steele:
“We have reached the point in history where the denial of racism appears to be the road to success for black people.”
That’s been my keen observation for years. If a black person wants to get ahead, he or she can’t be Black with a capital “B.” You have to ingratiate yourself with the white power structure. You have to be willing to tell white people what they want to hear.

It’s elementary, really. Who needs another liberal Black television commentator, politician, or writer? They’re everywhere. They’re ubiquitous. The competition is fierce.
But a black person who trumpets conservative ideology has the door opened with a smiley welcome.
These folks are either putting on an act for what Malcolm X called a “piece of chicken and a hot buttered biscuit,” or they’ve convinced themselves by spouting their nonsense for so long that they really believe what they’re saying.

The king of the black sellouts is Clarence Thomas, who got his position because of affirmative action. His Supreme Court seat was nicknamed the “Thurgood Marshall” seat. Once he got his, Clarence came out against affirmative action.  The newest small “b” black man is potential Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson, who left his brain in the operating room where he did brain surgery. He proves that there are different compartments in the cranium and that they contradict one another.

How can a guy be so smart in one area and such a moron in another. It’s hard to keep up with the stupid things he says: “Obamacare is worse than slavery;” “ being gay is a choice because guys in prison have gay sex;” “white liberals are the most racist people there are”…the list goes on, and he gets more outrageous as he tries to call attention to himself.
There’s former Republican National Committee chairman Michael Steele, who sometimes lets it slip how ridiculous his party and the people in it really are, and there are a few other black Republicans who are trotted out to do their two-step shuffle for the man, but the most repulsive, repugnant of them all is Ron Christie, who used to work for Darth Vader Cheney.

I’m not even going to bother shooting holes in everything Jason Riley said at Holy Cross, except for this one part of the article: “Mr. Riley, who is black, told a personal story about returning home to his native Buffalo to have his young niece tease him that he sounded like he was white. He said it wasn’t the first time he had heard that, but said it struck him that from a young age his niece was making a connection between race and speech.”

No, Mr. Riley, you’re wrong. Your niece wasn’t commenting on your good grammar and diction. She was commenting on your mindset. She was making the observation that he are a white man in a black man’s body.
You didn’t notice, but she was shaking her head.

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